


How AI Thinks

Get ready to learn from one of the leading minds in the field of AI!

We are excited to welcome a highly esteemed expert in AI as the keynote speaker for this year's Silicon Saxony Day! And this is none other than Nigel Toon, CEO and Co-Founder of Graphcore.

Nigel Toon is not only an outstanding innovator but also a leading figure in AI research and development.

  • He has been recognized with numerous industry awards, including being ranked No. 1 on Business Insider’s ‘100 most influential people shaping British technology’ and as one of ‘The UK’s top 100 entrepreneurs’ by the Financial Times.
  • In 2016, he co-founded the British semiconductor company Graphcore, which specialises in AI processors.
  • In early 2024, he published his bestseller ‘How AI Thinks’.

Join us when Nigel Toon shares his fascinating insights into the world of Artificial Intelligence and guides us through the complex thought processes behind AI.

Connected Speakers

Nigel Toon
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